Scented Wax Sachet | Green & Dried Fruit


• Solid Diffuser • Air Purifier •

For Hanging at • Rooms, Wardrobe, Toilets, cars etc.

After unpacking, the scent can last for 1 – 2 months. Appearance remains unchanged.

Shape Options: Round Hollow / Round Solid

Scent options:

C a l m n e s s _

[ Green tea, Bergamot, Patchouli ] 

F a i t h _

[ Cotton, Cherry blossom, Peony ]

M o t i v a t i o n _ 

[ Fresh grass, Mint, Green apple ]

V i t a l i t y _

[ White oak, Jasmine, Hazelnut ]

C o n c e n t r a t i o n _

[ Coffee, Hazelnut, Pine ]

A p p r e c i a t i o n _

[ Bamboo, Water lotus, Yuzu ]

I n n o c e n c e _

[ Neroli, Ylang ylang, Basil ]

S e r e n i t y _

[ Lavender, Chamomile, Patchouli ]

V a c a t i o n _

[ Wood Sage, Sea salt, Seaside breeze ]

Size: 7.5 x 7.5 cm

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

The form and shape of each flower are different, each product is unique. Photos are for reference only.

Floral: Barley, Pinecone, Cinnamon stick, Hydrangea, Green leaf

Ingredients: Soy wax, Stearic acid, Fragrance oil, Dried floral

handmade • eco-friendly • vegan • cruelty-free

handmade in HK


Round Hollow 中空圓形, Round Solid 實心圓形


Calmness [綠茶, 佛手柑, 廣香], Faith [棉花, 櫻花, 牡丹花], Motivation [青草, 薄荷, 青蘋果], Vitality [ 橡木, 茉莉花, 榛果 ], Concentration [ 咖啡, 榛果, 松木 ], Appreciation [ 竹木, 水蓮花, 柚子 ], Innocence [ 橙花, 依蘭依蘭, 羅勒 ], Serenity [ 薰衣草, 洋甘, 廣藿香 ], Vacation [ 鼠尾草, 海鹽, 海風 ]